Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Should I be Happy or Sad?

I know that this may seem very silly...but I am not sure I should be happy or sad about the end of my summer class. Let me say that at the very beginning way back in March, when we were meeting with the class on Super Saturday I can say I was really not liking the idea of being in class Monday-Thursday 8:30-3:30 starting June 9 through July 1.

Now, what I can say is those people in that picture are the people that I just spent 20 days or 90 hours of my precious summer with. Those 17 individuals probably don't know what they have meant to me. I am sad that all the time that I have spent with them has come to an end. My life because of the writing project has changed. The class is not just a class, by the end of the first week my classmates were some of my friends. The things we talked about pregnancies, miscarriages, pets, family, death,were very personal things. Our teacher, Chris, I think finally gave up trying to make us be quiet by the last week. We were always suppose to "write in the day" that is where the first 30 minutes and the last 15mins of each day we were to do nothing but write. Chris didn't know she had met her match, it was very hard for us to be quiet, you see we had to tell our friends about what happened the night before.

Not only has this class impacted me personally but my professional life has changed too. I sure hope that I can be the teacher I want to be next year. I can't wait for the year to begin. I love what I do with a passion.

It was sad to leave today, but most of us became friends on facebook and will probably keep up. But Bye for now- Tom,Eric,David,Susan,Lena,Lynn,Janet,Caroline, Kim, Shannon K., Shannon T., Laura, Laura Ann,Katie, Amber,and Lindsay. Thank you for allowing me to spend a few days of your summer with you. Thank you for teaching me to love what I do... and to like writing at least a little bit more.

God Bless, I will miss each one of you.