Sunday, September 7, 2008

God's Post-it Notes

I travel 72 miles round trip to and from school each day . A lot of that time, especially in the mornings, I spend talking to God. During the drive I pass a lot of churches. God communicates to me by using their signs. The number of times He has spoken to me are way too numerous to count. Elise has gotten used to the quiet of the morning drives except for the occasional "isn't that the truth". She used to ask what? Now, she knows that we just passed a church. I always told myself I was going to carry a notebook in the car and jot down all the different signs that have spoken to me. I never have until now. I have been making the trip to and from Rock Hill for 12 years and I can only remember a few ... I think I better start writing them down.

Here's the few that I remember.

1. Instead of pointing a finger hold out a hand
2. worry looks around
sorry looks back
hope looks up
3. Gospel starts with GO

I always like to share these with others. Just the other day I was telling Joel about one that I had passed and I told him it was like God sending post-it notes down from heaven. The next time you pass a sign and the thought "isn't that the truth" crosses your mind, thank God for the many ways and means in which he speaks to us. Happy driving.